

Walter Brouwer



I am a sincere genuine down to earth guy with a big heart welcoming sense of humor. I enjoy dining out or cooking at home with family & friends. I have a diverse tastes in music and movies and always interested in trying something new. I have enjoyed traveling and experiencing different countries and cultures and living abroad. Still lots of places I want to experience ! I enjoy meeting open minded people who enjoy exploring new places and trying new things. Anyone who is easy-going, sociable, and loves to laugh will get along great with me. I am caring, generous (to a fault), honest as the day is long, affectionate and respectful of others. I am a bit old fashioned in regard to things like romance, opening the door for someone or expressing my gratitude for acts of kindness from others. I like to exercise often and try to stay fit, pretty much due to the fact that I like to eat.



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