The day is getting closer to visiting your dream destination. Is your passport and Visa ready? Have you booked your hotel? Are you done packing? But wait what are you missing?

It is no secret Dubai has done herself proud when it comes to places to visit. It boasts the tallest skyscraper in the world, incredible shopping malls, and the most scrumptious traditional cuisines.

However, before you get to experience all that and much more, here are the 10 essential travel tips to make your visit to Dubai flawless.


  1. Pack Appropriate Clothes


Yes, Dubai is more liberal than other UAE members when it comes to dressing. But, just like in other Muslim-based countries, visitors are required to wear appropriate clothes in public spaces.

What to pack?

For women, pack full-sleeve blouses or shirts that cover your chest and arms and long pants/jeans to cover your legs. Dresses or skirts should fall below the knees and no see-through clothing.

Also, pack a few headscarves for when visiting mosques or non-urban areas. Carry the scarf around your neck when going out to make it easier to pop onto your head when necessary.

As for men, shirts, T-shirts and long trousers are appropriate. It is okay for women to wear swimwear and shorts and men to wear shorts at specific beaches and resorts.

Do not forget to pack a water bottle, sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, mosquito repellant, and face/body wipes to stay protected from the Dubai sun and heat.


  1. Carry the Necessary Documents 


There are several documents required to enter Dubai. A passport for traveling and visiting certain attractions like museums or monuments.

There is also the Visa, ID, medical insurance documents, proof of vaccination such as Covid 19, and travel insurance. Make sure your medical insurance covers you in UAE.

You can also carry international Debit and Credit cards for easy payment and your international driving license. Photocopy all the documents and carry them all over while keeping the originals locked in your hotel. Remember to check with your local embassy for visa requirements since it is prone to changes.


  1. Check Your Prescriptions

Dubai has a strict anti-drug policy. Airports are always on high alert and luggage is rechecked even after being through customs when you land.

Unfortunately, if they happen to find contraband, you can face up to four years in prison. This also applies to anyone transiting through Dubai’s airport from one country to another. Also, remember that poppy seeds are banned in the country because it is a source of opium.

As for prescribed medicine, you should always carry a prescription with you. Note that some prescribed medicine is prohibited in Dubai due to their medicinal content.

Therefore, to be clear on which medicines are allowed in the county, check the UAE official website for more information.


  1. Do Not Take Photographs Without Permission

We all love taking pictures when on vacation. Nonetheless, be cautious while clicking pictures in Dubai, especially of Muslim women and children.

Also, avoid taking pictures of airports, docks, government, industrial or military buildings. Remember to ask first for permission if you would like to take someone’s picture.


  1. Avoid Swearing/Cussing in Public 

Swearing, cussing, vulgar language, slang, arguments, and fighting in public areas are all offenses in Dubai that could land you behind bars.

Also, refrain from insulting comments towards the Royal family or the Islam religion, culture, or laws, as it is a punishable offense.


  1. Avoid Public Display of Affection(PDA)


Unlike most tourist countries, public display of affection is an offense and can land you in jail in Dubai. Holding hands, hugging, and kissing are considered socially unacceptable as it is against the Islam culture.

Even if you are newlyweds, don’t indulge in PDA. Wait until you are in your hotel before snuggling up with your partner.


  1. Do Not Take Alcohol in Public

Drinking is one of the ways of having fun in public when on vacation but not in Dubai. Taking alcohol in public places like the street, beaches, and parks is banned in Dubai. If found out, it leads to penalties and jail time.

So, after clubbing, take a taxi straight back to your hotel. In addition, you should also avoid gambling, playing loud music, and dancing in public.

Keep in mind, the minimum age limit to buy alcohol in many establishments is 21 years. But a few bars do not sell to people below 25 years of age.


  1. Ensure You Abide by the Rules of Ramadan

If you visit Dubai in the holy month of Ramadan, you are required to abide by the rules. That means no eating, drinking, smoking, or chewing gum in public places.

However, you can eat in your hotel room or at restaurants with screened-off designated areas. That said, pregnant women and children are allowed to eat but discretely.


  1. Don’t Stay in the Same Hotel Room If You’re Unmarried

No matter how long you have been in a relationship, Dubai prohibits the cohabitation of couples in hotel rooms or any other accommodation.

If found in the same room, you can end up fined, jailed, or deported. Therefore, if you wish to avoid any of that, make sure you stay in different hotel rooms.


  1. Avoid Using Your Left Hand in Public

Dubai has a strict rule of using the left hand to greet anyone, open doors, eat, or even hand over food items.

All this is because, in the early years, the left hand was used to clean up before toilet paper, and flushing water was invented. However, it is okay to drink with your left hand. So, if you are left-handed, ensure you use your right hand in public to avoid offending the locals.


Parting Shot

As you can see, Dubai is quite different from Western countries in terms of rules and policies.

However, that doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy your vacation as long as you avoid violating the rules. So, before you visit Dubai, go through the above travel tips to better understand the country.

1 Comment
  1. Tom 11 months ago

    Good read 👍

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