
Travel to Africa-tips

Dancom tours offer many travelers from across the world some useful travel to Africa tips.  Africa is a magical continent with lots of things to see and explore hence the tips below will help you to have a safe Africa travel experience.  Always pack less- this is a number one rule for travelers to Africa.  Although many are tempted to pack everything, this journey will only require a few basics in your travel bag.

Have only one bag-look for one bag that can accommodate all your travel essentials. If possible look for one with convenient sleeves for your camera, laptop and other essentials depending on your choice of safari. A power bar is very cost effective to reenergize you while on a safari. Although there are plenty of food stores, a power bar will keep you until your next meal.

Travel to Africa essentials

A phone is a travel necessity and Dancom tours Kenya advise you to buy a cheap long life phone with inbuilt torch. Get a local SIM card and have the phone unlocked before departure. The inbuilt flashlight is good and acts as a torch in case you will require one. Travel to Africa entails a lot of data transfer hence you need USB devices. You take a lot of pictures, notes and other information hence the constant transfer.

Never depart without your camera-the whole trip will be useless. Get one with good features and waterproof. Also make sure it is battery sustaining because you will take thousands of pictures across the safaris. Always have a great bargaining power as many locals tend to exploit travelers.  Other rules while on travel to Africainclude drinking a lot of water, learn some few basic local words, spread your money and make as many friends on the trip as possible. For more tips and information please visit


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