Taking a Vacation? 5 Essential Travel Packing Tips to Consider

man sitting on gang chair with feet on luggage looking at airplane

                                                                        A Traveler Leaving for Holiday

Traveling is one of the fun moments you are likely to encounter if you love taking vacations.  You have identified your travel destination, confirmed booking and probably paid up upfront and now you are waiting for the travel day. You may find yourself not knowing what to and when to begin packing your belongings in that suitcase. What may follow is forgetting some essential stuff and including unnecessary things.  Chances are that you did not take packing seriously and you assumed that the most important thing is to get to your desired destination. For fast, smart and stress-free packing for your next vacation, read on:

  1. Prepare a packing List
Checklist, Check, List, Marker, Checked

                                                                             Sample Packing List 

This can help you to be more organized and avoid incidences of forgetting essential items such as the passport. A packing list is just like a shopping list; you identify what you need in advance and then go for it. Start preparing the list and packing days before the travel. The list depends on things like the type of vacation, weather, and so on. Review the list later to confirm that everything is right.

  1. Don’t Fold Clothes, Roll Them

After discovering this golden tip, I have always advised my friends and family to implement it. You want to minimize your luggage as much as possible and avoid the need to iron. Rolling clothes helps you to save a lot of space and avoid creases. You could also incorporate magical compression bags which may leave no vacuum. Ensure that you seal the bag well.

  1. Establish the Airline’s Baggage Pricing Policy

The Baggage policy varies from one airline to another. Before you begin packing, conduct a web search to establish your airline’s pricing policy. This can help you to save some money and reduce possible inconveniences. Invest in a light and compact suitcase to avoid the chances of being stopped for checking. This is a mindset game changer. 

unattended black luggage inside airport

                                                                   A Compact Travel Suitcase

  1. Choose Appropriate Travel Fabrics

Be careful while selecting fabrics while traveling. Stretchy fabrics are recommended because hanging them may make the wrinkles to fall out easily. Additionally, light fabrics save lots of space and are easy to roll. Avoid cotton and linen because they crease a lot. However, woolen garments are inevitable if you are going for a hike.

  1. Separate Liquids From Other Items

Toiletries bags are recommended for bottles due to their durability. Separate the liquids to avoid wetting or staining your belongings in case of any leakages. Invest in travel toiletries bags for your next travels.

Parting Shot

Packing may be challenging if it is done without a proper plan. Whether you are going for a long holiday or just a weekend getaway, you need to pay attention to packing. When you do it right, you don’t have to rush to the nearest shop to buy an essential item that you left. On the other hand, you may not overburden yourself with unnecessary stuff that may leave you disorganized or be forced to pay high airline baggage fees.


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